Grow Room Cleaning

Showing all 2 results

  • Purolyt Disinfectant Concentrate

    Purolyt effectively eliminates bacteria, fungi and algae, if used according to instructions it ensures a safe environment. £22.00
  • *Fortefog P Fumer Smoke Generator

    Pesticide Smoke Generatores. Fortefog fumers are the ready to use strong fumer alternative against a wide range of flying and crawling insects offering safe and easy control of insect pests in domestic premises, shipping containers, animal houses etc. Ideal for accessing difficult to reach areas such as loft spaces. Available for both professionals and amateurs. Simple to use in the home factory and warehouse Effective against a wide range of flying and crawling insects Leaves no visible deposit after use No lingering smell, non pungent, no residual odour after tratment. No additional equipment nor chemicals required. No mixing nor complicated calculations. Very useful where spraying or access is difficult Modern clean technology, convenient and easy to use. Completely self-contained, light the fuse and walk away! £15.00